Herbal massage is followed by acupressure massage of the feet. Through this special technique it is possible to influence the function of inner organs and to induce a balance in the area of autonomic nerves.
Indications: conditions of exhaustion and edginess, sleeplessness, depression, headaches, functional disorders of the digestive system, irritating urinary bladder, menopausal syndrome, syndrome of tired feet
Contraindications: pregnancy, purulent and mycotic feet disorders, extensive varicose veins, ticklish feet
It is a Chinese method which is very popular and much sought for. It makes a very pleasant change and is probably one of the most attractive ways of massages you can experience.
During the massage, 53 smooth lava stones are used. They are warmed up in water bath at the temperatures around 37 – 40 °C and put on the body. The heat coming from the stones as well as their vibrations work upon meridians, which are energy pathways leading from tips of toes and fingers all around the body and belonging to all inner organs.
These energy pathways are frequently impassable or cramped and that’s why the energy in our body cannot flow properly. This Chinese method releases the energy flow through these channels, cleans them out, and the renewed energy flow provides us with unexpected power and joy.
Physical conditions: Lava stone massage is intended for men and women of all age groups.
Benefits of lava stone massage:
Lava stone massage is intended for: